Where do you stand?

Do you believe in...

Freedom: People from all over the world should be free from government interference in our lives.

Equality: All people are equal under the law. There should be no preferential treatment given to individuals based on their race, national origin, or religious beliefs.

Limited government: Government should not try to do everything or replace individual initiative. It should leave most decisions on personal matters, like how we live, reproduce, love and worship, to individuals without government interference.

Strong national defense: A strong defense and preparedness, a cautious use of that power.

Quality public education: Public education should strive to meet the needs of all children so they will have the skills needed to succeed in life. Each student should be challenged to be all that they can be. There is no room for political indoctrination in our schools.

Limited taxes and balanced budgets: Taxes must pay for the things we together decide to do. Prudent fiscal policies in all levels of government, allowing each of us to keep the money that we work for.

Conserving the environment: Conserving the environment is crucial to our continued growth and quality of life.

Encouraging free enterprise: Free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative are what has brought the country economic prosperity and what will continue to bring it prosperity. It is the best method to create wealth, a higher standard of living and individual and group success for all people.

Realistic foreign policy based on American leadership: Our belief in freedom and justice deserves respect, based on how we act. This has included proper alliances, forging common ground and moral, principled leadership. 

If you answered YES to these principles, Congratulations, 
We welcome you to join us.