Candidate Richard "Rick" Thoren, pictured here with his grandson, volunteering as 'Santa Claus' to the delight of local children and families. And YES, that is his real beard!

Meet Richard "Rick" Thoren

My name is Rick Thoren. I am running for a seat on the council to become more active in the Borough of Metuchen. I believe that from my experience working in government organizations such as the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Postal Service that I am familiar with governmental bureaucracy and will speak up for the things that matter to each of you, my neighbors. 

I am willing to work with the mayor and other members on the council to make common sense decisions concerning the many challenging problems that we are facing in our small borough. If elected, I will concentrate on fiscal responsibility. 

As both a father and grandfather, and a resident of Metuchen for the past 22 years,  I have been subjected to the ever increasing rising tax hikes that are reflected in my monthly mortgage statements. The percentage of tax payments compared to interest and principal payments are just about equal.

While the services rendered by the borough are of good standard for the time being, we have reached our limit with the overdevelopment of our borough and the somewhat questionable financial decisions made by the current administration. The borough's budget should be checked.

I have a long history of community involvement and am currently the President of the Board of the Directors of the Danish Heritage and Cultural Center located at 855 New Durham Road, Edison, N.J. I am also a member and treasurer of Thor Lodge #46, a member of Modersmaalet Lodge # 164, in the Danish Brotherhood in America, treasurer for Danish Archives North East, and a member of Lykan Lodge # 507 in the Royal Order of Vasa. I am also a member of Elk Lodge, # 1914. 

I know how to run an organization and I would now like to use my skills to help guide our borough. 
Just as I was honored to serve this country in the US Navy in the Pacific Fleet from 1976-1980, I would be honored to serve on the Metuchen Council and be your voice for what is right for Metuchen.